Current Projects
Accelerated Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Training and Capacity Building Program
The Accelerated Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Training and Capacity Building Program, led by the Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute (SVRI), seeks to increase knowledge, skills-based competencies, and proficiency specific to contemporary rehabilitation issues with professionals and paraprofessionals working in the State-Federal Vocational Rehabilitation program. The program also seeks to address ongoing workforce challenges faced by these agencies by providing a multi-track training and micro-credentialing program.
ACCESS-Technology: Advancing Career Choices for Employment Success in Technology
The CHP, led by Mississippi State University, seeks to establish a seamless statewide partnership with the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS), Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MSCDD), Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), Disability Rights Mississippi, Office of Workforce Development/Accelerate MS, and Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) who share a common interest and capacity in building a totally inclusive 21st Century labor force for all MS residents with Long COVID.
The purpose of this service is to provide support and evaluative expertise to state vocational rehabilitation agencies in successfully conducting their required Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment.
The purpose of this model demonstration project aims to improve the transition of students and youth with disabilities into competitive integrative employment and career paths.
IPARRT is conducting a model demonstration project to evaluate the efficacy of a job retention program- Promoting Retention in Meaningful Employment (PRIME). The program will focus on addressing common barriers to job retention and develop capacity and planning among persons with disabilities to retain and achieve career growth in select areas of each state. The program includes pre-exit preparation, weekly check-ins using an AI companion tool, and ongoing support from a retention specialist for 12 months after exit to help maintain job retention.
Leveraging Interagency Networks for Knowledge-sharing to Develop a 21st Workforce of Youth with Disabilities (LINK)
This project, led by the Maryland Department of Disabilities, will develop, implement, evaluate, and replicate an innovative interagency data-sharing tool. Through this project, we intend to increase linkage to essential education and employment services that enhance the seamless transition to postschool supports and competitive integrated employment outcomes. This digital tool represents a pioneering interagency transition data-sharing system that will enable school and state agency personnel, including state vocational rehabilitation agencies (SVRAs), to effectively communicate and share information about students’ application, eligibility, and services.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a technology-focused early career preparation program developed in partnership with Chicago tech companies and the Chicago Public Schools.
The goal of the VRTAC-QE is to increase the number and quality of employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities through training and technical assistance to State VR agency personnel and their affiliates. The VRTAC-QE will support State VR agency personnel to implement innovative and effective employment strategies and supporting practices.
The purpose of the worker connection project is to evaluate the effectiveness of connecting individuals from underserved population to resource and career opportunities.